Imagerie in vivo et ex vivo sur petit et gros animaux
In vivo and ex vivo imaging in small and large animals

In vivo and ex vivo imaging in small and large animals

In vivo and ex vivo imaging in small and large animals In vivo imaging allows a broad range of non-invasive investigations, the tracking of immune cells or monitoring the progression of a pathogen expressing luciferase in different body compartments during the course of the infection.

• Imaging equipment

  • Three IVIS spectrum (ISP / PFIE, VIM / IERP, UMR ASTRE) in BSL2 confined rooms to image small animals. These equipments are adapted to the small anesthetized living animal (rodents, poultry), for a "whole body" detection.
  • Biphotonic imaging for in vivo observation of zebrafish. The phenotyping platform (IERP / VIM) offers services related to the use of zebrafish as an in vivo model for the study of infectious and inflammatory diseases including dynamic imaging approaches. The phenotyping platform also has two microinjection stations (located in conventional laboratory and a BSL2 confined room).
  • Cellvizio Dual Band® (PFIE / CIMAC): in vivo fiber-based imaging system (confocal endomicroscopy), which provides deep tissue access and cellular resolution from the surface to the deepest tissue (lungs, reproductive system, digestive, respiratory, nervous, blood) for both small and large animals;
  • Fluobeam® (PFIE / CIMAC): In vivo imaging system (camera) or pre-operative imaging by fluorescence (ganglion, skin), for small and large animals;
  • Ultrasonic echograph (PFIE / CIMAC): catheter positioning or echo-guided puncture;
  • Endo-fibroscope (PFIE / CIMAC): Ex. Inoculation and Bronchoalveolar lavage on cattle, pig, badgers.

• Equipment available with our partners

Le service d’imagerie in vivo de la plate-forme CIRE
  • The in vivo imaging service of the PIXANIM facility which is located on the same research center as the PFIE infrastructure (INRAE Val de Loire Research Center) is dedicated to large animals: sheep, goats and pigs CIRE is equipped with latest-generation imaging devices originally designed for the human clinic (3 Tesla MRI, CT scan, X-ray scanner, Dopler ultrasound, confocal laser endomicroscope).
    This set of powerful imaging tools allows: to obtain anatomical and functional images on large animals with a three-dimensional (3D) vision without altering their physical integrity; to develop animal models close to the human clinic; to perform serial analyzes on live animals with temporal monitoring. An analysis of infected animal tissues is possible under particular conditions. For example, a PFIE / CIRE collaboration images of infected badger lungs where obtained with a CT scan in a study for the development of a tuberculosis vaccine;
  • 8-color flow cytometry (UMR ISP, UR VIM, UMR ASTRE);
  • Confocal imaging and light sheet, in partnership with UMR ISP; VIM, ASTRE, ...

• Services available with our partners

  • Optical imaging suitable for in-vivo detection of fluorescence and bioluminescence with tomographic analysis and 3D reconstruction;
  • Ultrasonic imaging;
  • Fiber optic imaging;
  • Confocal microscopy in partnership with the UMR ISP, cytometry analyzes are also possible with our partners in UMR ISP, VIM, ASTRE;
  • Histology services with expertise in animal histopathology and tissue phenotyping unique in France in partnership with the APEX facility and UMR ISP (PF Imaging and Infectiology). Clearing of biological samples and immunostaining.

• Facilities and research Unit (partnership)