Intégration européenne
Link to European networks

Link to European networks

Intégration européenne

Emerg'in has very close connections with several European H2020 projects



Emerg'in devices are an integral part of ISIDORe’s integrated portfolio of leading-edge research services and resources.

Launched in February 2022 for 3 years (2022-2025), ISIDORe is dedicated to epidemic preparedness research in Europe focussing on epidemic-prone infectious diseases including variants of SARS-CoV-2.

The Consortium brings together 154 partners under the aegis of ERINHA

ISIDORe, which involves all Emerg'in partners, will contribute to Europe's preparedness for any pathogen that may cause disease outbreaks, through a comprehensive, integrated and preparedness-oriented approach, by providing free access (TNA transnational access) for the scientific user communities to state-of-the-art resources and services, which will be further developed through Joint Research Activities (JRA).


Emerg'in maintains very close links with VetBioNet whose principal aim is to establish and maintain a comprehensive network of pre-eminent high-containment (BSL3) research facilities, academic institutes, international organisations and industry partners that is dedicated to advance research on epizootic and zoonotic diseases and to promote technological developments.


Emerg'in’s various platforms also have close links with the following projects:

The project includes three types of integrating activities:

  • Joint Research Activities (JRA) to improve the scientific and technological standards of services provided by the consortium.
  • Networking Activities (NA) to foster the cooperation between project partners and to forge cooperative relationships with other European or international research initiatives, industrial stakeholders, international organisations and policy makers.
  • Transnational Access Activities (TNA), consisting mainly in providing access to the BSL3 facilities and technical resources of the consortium. This free-of-charge access is provided to researchers or enterprises proposing a sound project related to epizootic and zoonotic diseases. As part of its Transnational Access Activities, VetBioNet also offers access to sample collections available at partner institutes.

Infravec2 is an international and interdisciplinary research infrastructure project funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 Research Infrastructure Program (INFRAIA). Infravec2 provides NO COST access to products and services for research on insect vectors of human and animal disease, including mosquitoes, sandflies and other flies. The overall objective of the Infravec2 project is to integrate key specialized research facilities necessary for research excellence in insect vector biology, to open the infrastructure for access by researchers, and to develop new vector control measures targeting the greatest threats to human health and animal industries.


AQUAEXCEL2020, a Horizon 2020 research infrastructure project, aims to support the sustainable growth of the aquaculture sector in Europe. AQUAEXCEL2020 comprises a large group of leading European aquaculture research facilities that work towards advanced integration and standardisation of tools for aquaculture research. AQUAEXCEL2020 aims to offer services tailored to the needs of the European aquaculture community and support and conduct world-class aquaculture research. 

Modification date: 26 March 2024 | Publication date: 30 May 2018 | By: Emerg'in