Groupes de travail


To respond efficiently to our missions, we set up workpackages to meet a number of objectives. The main points are summarized below. The details of the different workpackages are accessible under the general organization scheme.
  • Prepare an emergency prioritization plan for our experimental facilities in case of emergence
  • Define the scientific and communication strategy, the harmonization of storage and information dissemination procedures, the evaluation of experimental costs and the economic viability of the infrastructure.
  • Ensure the application of the highest ethical standards and clarify the societal impact of Emerg'in's research work
  • Develop, in collaboration with research units and industrial partners, alternative methods to in vivo experimentation and technological innovations related to precision farming, connected agriculture, imaging process ...
  • Develop more adapted animal models to investigate emerging diseases, wildlife, vectorized disease models, medical models ....
  • Train and transfer the know-how of experimentation in a confined environment to students (animal, veterinary, young French or foreign scientists).

In this folder

The Executive Board will consist of one representative from each entity as well as director of infrastructures.
Investigate the societal impact of the infrastructure
Reduce, Refine ans Replace
Develop new relevant animal models
Train students/animal technicians and disseminate techniques
Develop communication tools
FAIR principle and open data

Modification date: 02 February 2024 | Publication date: 30 May 2018 | By: Emerg'in