Emerg’in, Infrastructure Nationale de Recherche pour la lutte contre les maladies infectieuses animales émergentes ou zoonotiques par l'exploration in vivo.


Resources for our academic and industrial customers
Our experimental facilities raise animals with controlled health status of different levels (germ-free, without specific pathogens (SPF), conventional).

• A large panel of animal species and vectors:

animals and vectors
  • Livestock: our experimental facilities raise animals with controlled health status of different levels: axenic, without specific pathogens, conventional or holoxenic;
  • Wildlife animals;
  • Arthropod vectors.

• A collection of pathogens at the service of our academic and industrial partners: viruses, bacteria, parasites, mushrooms, prions


The research units (INRAE, ANSES, CIRAD) backed by the Emerg'in infrastructure have all infectious disease experts and possess an unique collections of viral, bacterial and parasitic pathogens affecting farm animals and humans ( zoonotic agents).

For example, the International Center for Microbial Resources for Pathogenic Bacteria (CIRM-BP) at UMR-ISP has a very large collection of pathogenic bacteria and filamentous fungi from all continents.

Modification date: 02 February 2024 | Publication date: 24 May 2018 | By: Emerg'in