La gouvernance
Emerg'in governance

Emerg'in governance

Emerg'in infrastructure is coordinated by Dr. Fabrice Laurent, Research Director and Deputy Head of Animal Health Division. (INRAE)


Governing bodies and their roles

Governing Bodies

In this folder

Governing bodies council

The governing bodies comity of EMERG’IN is constituted by representatives of the fout supervisory bodies (INRAE, ANSES, CIRAD,CNRS). Its role is to validate the strategy and commitment governing bodies to support the infrastructure.

Le conseil bureau exécutif

Emerg'in's Executive Board is the main board for the governance of the infrastructure. It defines the strategy and coordinates interactions with the Governing bodies council, the Scientific Advisory Board and the Stakeholder Forum. It ensures the progress of the various workpackages and validates the dissemination of information.

Le conseil scientifique

Emerg'in's scientific advisory board is constituted of internationally renowned scientists.

Le Forum des porteurs d’enjeux

The Stakeholder Forum is composed of personalities from the academic or private sectors.