Emerg’in, Infrastructure Nationale de Recherche pour la lutte contre les maladies infectieuses animales émergentes ou zoonotiques par l'exploration in vivo.
Scientific partners

Scientific partners

Scientific Partners, Facilities and Biological Resource Centers (BRC)

Scientific partners

Les partenaires
bande jaune

Emerg'in maintains very close links with European integrated infrastructure projects:

Emerg'in maintains very close links with VetBioNet (Veterinary Biocontained research facility Network) whose principal aim is to establish and maintain a comprehensive network of pre-eminent high-containment (BSL3) research facilities, academic institutes, international organisations and industry partners that is dedicated to advance research on epizootic and zoonotic diseases and to promote technological developments.
VetBioNet European project :  www.vetbionet.eu/


TRANSVAC  is designed to accelerate vaccine development by improving European vaccine research and training, and to increase the sustainability of EC vaccine projects by implementing a permanent research infrastructure for the development of early vaccines.https://www.transvac.org/


ISIDORe (Integrated Services for Infectoius Disease Outbreak Research) provides an integrated portfolio of cutting-edge research services and resources to study epidemic-prone pathogens  including SARS-CoV-2. https://isidore-project.eu/



Emerg'in’s facilities also have close links with the following projects: 

H2020 INFRAVEC2 is an international and interdisciplinary research project on arthropod vectors of human and animal diseases. https://infravec2.eu/
H2020 AQUAEXEL is a research and innovation project that aims to support the sustainable growth of the European aquaculture sector by networking the main European fish research centers. https://aquaexcel2020.eu/


bande jaune

Some of Emerg'in's facilities are part of the Carnot Institutes

 Carnot Institute Livestock Industry for the Future provides R&D competences to livestock sector businesses, mobilizing three main levers for multiefficient, sustainable and profitable farming: health, nutrition and breeding systems, and animal genetics. www.francefuturelevage.com.fr
Carnot Institute AgriFood Transition contributes through its interdisciplinary research to the development of sustainable food value chains to support socio-economic actors in the agricultural, aquaculture and agri-food sectors in their transitions. www.agrifood-transition.fr

Modification date: 10 April 2024 | Publication date: 06 August 2018 | By: Emerg'in